3 min readAug 21, 2023


Photo by alex starnes on Unsplash


Navigating success as a Black woman in a society marked by racism and sexism can be challenging, but many have overcome these obstacles to achieve greatness. Here are some strategies that can help you thrive:

1. **Embrace Your Identity:** Celebrate your identity and heritage. Being proud of who you are can provide you with strength, resilience, and a unique perspective.

2. **Educate Yourself:** Knowledge is power. Learn about the history of racial and gender inequalities to better understand the challenges you face and to be prepared to counter them.

3. **Set Clear Goals:** Define your aspirations and set clear goals for your personal and professional life. This sense of purpose can guide your decisions and keep you focused.

4. **Build a Support Network:** Surround yourself with a diverse and supportive network of friends, mentors, and allies who understand and respect your experiences.

5. **Develop Resilience:** Cultivate resilience in the face of adversity. The journey might be tough, but your ability to overcome challenges will make you stronger.

6. **Excel in Education:** Education is a powerful tool. Strive for excellence in your studies and continue to develop your skills and knowledge.

7. **Confidence and Assertiveness:** Believe in your abilities and speak up for yourself. Confidence and assertiveness can help you navigate situations with strength.

8. **Challenge Stereotypes:** Defy stereotypes and biases by excelling in your field and showcasing your talents.

9. **Advocate for Yourself:** Be your own advocate in professional settings. Don’t hesitate to seek promotions, raises, and opportunities that you deserve.

10. **Seek Mentors:** Look for mentors who understand your unique experiences and can offer guidance and support.

11. **Networking:** Build connections in your industry by attending events, workshops, and conferences. Networking can open doors to new opportunities.

12. **Continuous Learning:** Stay current in your field through ongoing learning and professional development. This can enhance your expertise and value.

13. **Embrace Leadership:** Aim for leadership roles where you can inspire change and influence decision-making.

14. **Community Engagement:** Get involved in community initiatives that align with your interests. Contributing to positive change can be empowering.

15. **Self-Care:** Prioritize self-care to maintain your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for long-term success.

16. **Advocate for Change:** Use your voice to advocate for policies and practices that address racial and gender inequalities.

17. **Leverage Creativity:** Use your unique perspective to bring fresh ideas and solutions to the table.

18. **Seek Inspiration:** Look to the achievements of other successful Black women who have broken barriers and paved the way for future generations.

Remember, your journey is unique, and your success is a testament to your resilience and determination. By staying true to yourself, embracing your identity, and actively pursuing your goals, you can make a meaningful impact in a challenging environment.




Lyon Brave is language consultant and speech coach who works internationally.