Here Are 12 Injustices White Americans DID TO BLACK AMERICANS!

2 min readAug 21, 2023
Photo by Johannes Krupinski on Unsplash

Throughout history, there have been numerous instances of systemic racism, discrimination, and violence perpetrated by white people against Black people. These historical injustices have had far-reaching and lasting impacts on Black communities. Here are some key examples:

1. **Slavery:**
— For centuries, European colonizers and white settlers forcibly enslaved millions of Africans, treating them as property and subjecting them to brutal conditions.

2. **Transatlantic Slave Trade:**
— White traders were instrumental in the transatlantic slave trade, which forcibly transported millions of Africans to the Americas as slaves, leading to immeasurable suffering and loss.

3. **Jim Crow Laws and Segregation:**
— Following the abolition of slavery, white supremacist laws and practices, known as Jim Crow laws, enforced racial segregation, denying Black people access to public facilities, education, and employment opportunities.

4. **Lynching and Mob Violence:**
— White mobs frequently engaged in brutal acts of racial violence, including lynching, which targeted Black individuals often without trial or due process.

5. **Redlining and Housing Discrimination:**
— White institutions systematically denied housing loans and mortgages to Black families, perpetuating segregation and denying them the opportunity to build wealth through homeownership.

6. **Civil Rights Era Violence:**
— During the Civil Rights Movement, white supremacists, including the Ku Klux Klan, committed acts of violence against Black activists and protestors advocating for racial equality and justice.

7. **Tulsa Race Massacre:**
— In 1921, a white mob attacked the thriving Black community of Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, known as “Black Wall Street,” destroying homes and businesses and killing numerous Black residents.

8. **Medical Experimentation:**
— Unethical medical experiments, such as the Tuskegee Study, were conducted on Black individuals without their consent, resulting in physical and psychological harm.

9. **Educational Disparities:**
— White schools were often better funded and equipped than Black schools, contributing to educational inequalities that persist to this day.

10. **Voter Suppression:**
— White officials implemented voting restrictions, literacy tests, and other tactics to suppress Black voting rights and prevent political empowerment.

11. **Mass Incarceration:**
— Discriminatory policies and practices have led to disproportionate rates of incarceration among Black individuals, perpetuating a cycle of inequality.

12. **Environmental Racism:**
— Communities of color, predominantly Black neighborhoods, have been disproportionately exposed to environmental hazards and pollution due to discriminatory zoning and industrial practices.

These historical injustices have had enduring impacts on the socio-economic, educational, and health outcomes of Black communities. Recognizing these injustices is a crucial step towards addressing systemic racism and working towards a more just and equitable society.




Lyon Brave is language consultant and speech coach who works internationally.